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Tag: Artist of the Edition

Priya Anand: Artist of the Edition

Priya Anand: Artist of the Edition

Priya Anand ‘21 has had art in her life for as long as she can remember, yet her true passion for the craft began around age ten when she discovered a “How To Draw 50 Disney Characters” book. Although she started her artistic endeavors at a young age, she hasn’t skipped a beat since. Years […]
Rebecca Lee: Artist of the Edition

Rebecca Lee: Artist of the Edition

Rebecca Lee ‘21 has been creating all types of art since she was in kindergarten. It is no surprise that she has been an avid member of the Upper School Honors Art program for the past four years and continues to create with enthusiasm. Although it is clear that Rebecca has always been a creative […]
Ms. Ritz: Artist of The Edition

Ms. Ritz: Artist of The Edition

To kick off a new series on artists in the GA community, Ms. Ritz – an Upper School art teacher – shares about herself and her recent pieces: “Home” and “Heart/Home.” Ms. Ritz has taught sculpture at GA for ten and a half years but has been teaching art for over thirty years. She has […]