
GA Girls Volleyball Smashes the Competition

GA Girls Volleyball Smashes the Competition

GA Girls Volleyball concluded their season with a 24-3 record overall, claiming the Inter-Ac title, and setting a name for themselves as the team to beat this year. Although they fell to Notre Dame during the PAISSA Championship match, they played an incredible season leading up to it, winning all of their home games and […]
Legends Depart: Roger Federer and Serena Williams leave the world of tennis

Legends Depart: Roger Federer and Serena Williams leave the world of tennis

Federer and Williams, two of the most iconic tennis champions, announced their retirement from the sport this September The bittersweet month of Sep. rocked the world of millions of tennis fans after two of the tennis superstars, Roger Federer and Serena Williams, permanently bid farewell to professional tennis. Williams and Federer, both aged 41, announced […]
Ginny Hoffman 44 Day

Ginny Hoffman 44 Day

 Germantown Academy hosted the second annual Ginny Hoffman 44 Day on October 1st. This event honors Ms. Ginny Hoffman, who previously served as the athletic director of GA for 40 consecutive years.  Ms. Hoffman highlighted women in athletics throughout her time at GA and left a large impact on our community, especially on female athletes. […]
The Patriots Won’t Fall this Season

The Patriots Won’t Fall this Season

As the sun starts to set a little earlier and the weather starts to get a little chillier, it can only mean one thing for GA athletes: fall sports season. The football season began on Aug. 15, while all other fall sports started on Aug. 22. Athletic Director Tim Ginter says he loves “everything about […]
Spring Sports Recap

Spring Sports Recap

This year’s spring sports season featured a near return to pre-pandemic normalcy. With a much higher number of people vaccinated and COVID cases dropping, GA athletes were able to practice maskless, participate in their usual competitions and games, and have spectators! Even though there was a brief spike in COVID cases late in the season, […]
GA Ice Hockey: An Unforgettable Season

GA Ice Hockey: An Unforgettable Season

GA’s varsity ice hockey team wrapped up the 2021-2022 season on February 17, 2022, once again taking the Independence Hockey League championship title and trophy. The nail-biter 3-2 win was the fourth championship win in five years, with one year excluded due to the coronavirus pandemic.   First period of the championship game was a scare […]
House Olympics Recap!

House Olympics Recap!

On Friday, April 29, 2022, GA’s seven Upper School houses competed to win the long-awaited annual House Olympics Competition.  The day began with house meetings in outdoor spaces, where students decked themselves out in house-colored paint, hair dye, and glitter. The many opportunities for points created chances for houses lower in the rankings to earn […]
GA’s Madness

GA’s Madness

March Madness Overview: The NCAA Division I men’s and women’s basketball teams compete in an annual tournament every March to crown the ultimate Division 1 champion. After 68 college teams are chosen to participate in the tournament, communities gather together to create brackets that try to predict the winners, resulting in lots of madness on […]
Spring Sports Forecast

Spring Sports Forecast

With the arrival of the spring season, the GA community is excited to finish the school year strong with the finals sports season underway. Now that GA has officially gone mask optional, much has changed from the past couple years. When COVID-19 first spread throughout the United States in 2020, the spring sports season was […]