
Students voice opinions on arts department funding

Students voice opinions on arts department funding

Germantown Academy’s Arts Center is used for a variety of programs, including digital media, performing arts, and visual arts. Notwithstanding the plethora of arts programs at GA, many arts students feel that athletics are the center of attention, specifically in regards to funding. For example, GA recently invested in the Jordan Center, which is over […]
Students Seek Change in GA Disciplinary System

Students Seek Change in GA Disciplinary System

The Upper School penalizes lateness, missed lunch duties and other infractions with detention or a loss of student privileges. Detentions take place after school for one hour and can cause many students to miss or be late to a sports practice or arrive home at a later time.  This system is a controversial topic for […]
What Students Want in New GA Faculty

What Students Want in New GA Faculty

The end of the 2023-24 school year marks the departure of several Upper School teachers and faculty. Some departments that will change staff include Modern Languages, Mathematics, Performing Arts, and Computer Science. In addition, the Upper School is undergoing changes in its administrators. With the departure of so many faculty members within the Upper School, […]
GA needs Head of Upper School who is here to stay.

GA needs Head of Upper School who is here to stay.

GA has seen four Upper School Heads in the past nine years. It’s time for a change. Or rather, stability. As the leader of GA’s largest division of 575 students and 80 faculty members, a Head of Upper School takes on a myriad of responsibilities. These include everything from developing a long-term, strategic vision for […]
Senioritis and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Senioritis and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

As we settle into the new year, I have noticed how I and those around me are caught in the tornado of academic challenges and extracurricular commitments. In the midst of all this chaos, the winter months introduce a new layer of complexity, bringing forth both Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the infamous condition known […]
Biden back to Pennsylvania: A swinging success

Biden back to Pennsylvania: A swinging success

On Jan. 5, President Joe Biden came to Montgomery County Community College to give a speech, kicking off his 2024 presidential campaign season. In his speech, he addressed the Jan. 6 attack and Trump’s involvement.  Biden is expressing his need to win Pennsylvania, while the Republicans are going to be fighting against Biden and the […]