Humans of GA

Meredith Rizzi

Meredith Rizzi

Humans of GA are often celebrated for their unbridled achievement and involvement in the surrounding community. Meredith Rizzi, a junior from the class of ‘24, has shown to be especially representative of these values. She was recently accepted into the University of Pennsylvania’s Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Teen Advisory Council, and through this opportunity, […]
Humans Of GA: Sarah-Grace Coren ‘24

Humans Of GA: Sarah-Grace Coren ‘24

Sarah-Grace Coren, a junior, who is very much involved in the GA community is also an aspiring student pilot. Sarah-Grace first started flying at the beginning of her sophomore year in 2021 inspired by her fascination with her grandfather’s experiences as a pilot. Now, a year into taking flight lessons,  Sarah-Grace is preparing to take […]
Awareness for the Deaf Community

Awareness for the Deaf Community

Rising senior Ella DeCardona will serve as one of the leaders of the American Sign Language Club.  The American Sign Language (ASL) Club, formerly led by Nicole Ranile ’22 and Henry Morrissey ’22, brings awareness and inclusivity to the deaf community. This upcoming fall, Ella DeCardona ’23 will step up as a leader to continue […]
Noel Washington

Noel Washington

Noel Washington has been running her own Black hair business, StyledbyBrie, since December 2018. She explains, “StyledbyBrie is all about making people look and feel like their best selves.” The Edition sat down with her to find out more about the process of being a small business owner in high school!  Q: How did you […]
Max Lasdon

Max Lasdon

“The most impactful [diversity conference] that I’ve gone to was SDLC in Seattle in December of 2019. It was really cool, I went with five other GA students. There were a lot of different workshops that would start around 7-8 o’clock and we would go until 10-11 o’clock at night with breaks or snacks and […]
Alaina Steck

Alaina Steck

“My favorite thing about playing ice hockey is the adrenaline rush I get from it. It’s just this rush of energy, and I feel so powerful on the ice.” “I think the most difficult thing I’ve encountered was this idea that… girls hockey is different from boys hockey. I feel like sometimes when I have […]
Maeve Diver

Maeve Diver

“In 8th grade, Beauty and the Beast was the first show I ever did, and I had the privilege of being Belle. To say the least, it was truly the most incredible experience for me. From the very beginning, it was just amazing to even get the part–to even know that I had a talent […]
Mr. Wynia

Mr. Wynia

Photography Teacher “I traveled from Quito, Ecuador, over the Andes, down to Napo River, which is a tributary of the Amazon. During the trip on the Napo River, I was on about a 40 foot boat, and we hit a submerged sandbar at about 4:30 in the morning. Most of us had to jump out […]