Sanya Bandekar '25

House Talent Show 2022

House Talent Show 2022

The 2022 House Talent Show included performances from all seven houses, competing for first place, awarded for creativity and comedy. Substantial planning and organization went into it, and prefects commented on the work their house did. Roberts took the 2022 GA Talent Show win this year, above Kershaw and Washington who tied for 2nd. The […]
Alec Baldwin “Rust” Prop Gun Shooting

Alec Baldwin “Rust” Prop Gun Shooting

On October 21st, 2021, renowned actor Alec Baldwin was on set of a new movie called Rust in Santa Fe County, New Mexico when his character, an outlaw, required a prop gun. The assistant director handed Baldwin a gun that supposedly had no live rounds in it. However, the gun contained live ammo and Baldwin […]
Halloween in the Upper School: Movies, Candy, and Traditions

Halloween in the Upper School: Movies, Candy, and Traditions

Halloween is back with its familiar traditions in the Upper School, and students were asked about their favorite movies and candy around this time of year. Halloween is just around the corner, and the time for fall activities is here. This year, students are planning what costumes to wear, hoping for an opportunity to dress […]
The Debate on Vaccine Mandates and School Requirements

The Debate on Vaccine Mandates and School Requirements

New vaccine mandates pose new questions for how schools are implementing safety for students within the community.   On September 9th, President Biden proposed sweeping mandates that would require over one hundred million Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine in an effort to hinder the surge of COVID-19 deaths while increasing the nation’s vaccination rate to […]