Saloni Bhatia '24

The Spanish Exchange Program: A Renewed Exchange Enables Cross-Cultural Connections

The Spanish Exchange Program: A Renewed Exchange Enables Cross-Cultural Connections

Over the past month, Germantown Academy hosted three foreign exchange students from GA’s sister school in Spain. The three students—Paula Gomez-Luque, Paula Perez, and Marina Prats-Garrido—had the opportunity to experience different American traditions and activities.  About eight years ago, a former GA teacher connected with the Europa International School in Seville, Spain. At the time, […]
GA Celebrates Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage

GA Celebrates Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage

Header: On May 11th, 2022 AASA designed a day for the Upper School to celebrate AAPI month by planning Asian- cultured related activities.  The month of May is Asian American Pacific Islander Month. This year, AASA came up with multiple activities to celebrate this occasion with the GA community. On May 11th, AASA began the […]
The 2021 CSO Holiday Program

The 2021 CSO Holiday Program

This year the Holiday Drive, one of GA’s fondest celebrations, took a different direction due to Covid-19 guidelines. The CSO Holiday Program is one of Germantown Academy’s most memorable traditions because of its outreach to various charities. All students and faculty of the GA community are encouraged to donate new and unwrapped gifts to their […]
Tesla Recalls Self Driving Car

Tesla Recalls Self Driving Car

The autopilot Tesla car was introduced in Oct. 2015. The company was gradually releasing more software updates and created the “Autopilot Update,” with the release of version 7.0 of Tesla OS. Years later, on Saturday Oct. 23, 2021, Tesla released version 10.3 of the Autopilot car. The company said that the new version has “Reduced […]
Pleistocene Park

Pleistocene Park

A group of scientists have been working on reviving the extinct woolly mammoth in an attempt to revert some of the effects of climate change.  Due to the worsening climate crisis, scientists and technology companies are coming up with new ideas to keep it stable and even revert some of the effects. One solution is […]
Tracking the Delta Variant

Tracking the Delta Variant

The Delta variant, discovered last December in India, has resulted in a new spike of COVID-19 cases worldwide. According to the CDC, by the end of June 2021, the Delta variant had made up more than 20% of COVID cases in the United States. The variant has since spread to at least 98 countries and […]
Spring Sports Recap

Spring Sports Recap

While this year’s spring sports looked a little different due to the pandemic, GA athletes were able to excel regardless.  This year students playing spring sports were able to have an almost normal and complete season. Every team was required to wear masks throughout the duration of practice and games, with the exception of track. […]
All In-Person Plan

All In-Person Plan

Recently Germantown Academy made the decision for Upper School students to move to an all-in person schedule. Unlike other schools like Haverford and Wissahickon, which are continuing hybrid learning, GA is one of the few schools in Montgomery County that is beginning all in-person learning. However, to maintain this all in-person plan, faculty will continue […]
Opinion on Biden’s First Month

Opinion on Biden’s First Month

February 20th marks exactly one month from the date that Joe Biden was sworn in as America’s 46th president. In his first month, he has signed executive orders to reverse the actions of his predecessor and to restructure our nation’s policies. Before taking office, he made promises to better the COVID crisis, improve the climate […]
DC Riots

DC Riots

On January 6th, 2021, pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, sparking a wave of destruction and intense emotion across the nation. The Capitol was vandalized and damaged by the angry mob, while lawmakers had to be quickly rushed to safety.  The rioters terrorized the Capitol building, a monumental symbol of democracy, in an attempt to […]