Patrick Tronoski '22

Patrick Tronoski ‘22 joined the Academy Edition at the end of his sophomore year. He debuted his writing in the Prize Day issue, where he wrote an overview about the school’s first shift to Virtual GA. Over the past year, he has worked on his column: “Shifting the Paradigm: Motivation for Success.” The column includes quotes and other forms of reference to invoke critical thinking about one’s inner self. Additionally, most of Patrick’s writing as a Staff Writer this past year have been OP-ED articles, dealing with topics of social justice, politics, etc. With that said, for the end of this year and his senior year, Patrick will serve as an OP-ED Desk Editor. He is excited to finish his column over the summer and take on a greater role in the Academy Edition, brainstorming articles and improving his editing and communication skills. A fun fact about Patrick is that his family owns two hairless cats.

Prize Day Overview

Prize Day Overview

At the culmination of each school year, Germantown Academy hosts a Prize Day to commemorate students who shone in their academic and athletic endeavors. No matter the award earned, each Prize Day winner is an honorable example of what all GA members strive to be. Although still in a pandemic, students and the parents of […]
3. Surrounding Yourself with the Right People

3. Surrounding Yourself with the Right People

As Oprah Winfrey once said, “People who want the best for you want you to be your best . . . Surround yourself with people who are going to fill your cup until your cup runneth over.”  Human relationships are undoubtedly one of the central pillars of our existence. In essence, you are whom you […]
Rise in Violence Against Asian Americans

Rise in Violence Against Asian Americans

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the United States has witnessed a significant surge in acts of violence against members of the Asian American community. From belligerent verbal harassment to physical assault, anti-Asian hate crimes have risen over 150% in the country, and over 830% in New York. Several Asian American homeowners have reported being abused […]


On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris as the 49th Vice President set forth a new page for the United States. For some, the inauguration served as a turning point after the chaos of 2020.  From COVID-19 to the DC riots, […]
Community Voices: How Political is Too Political?

Community Voices: How Political is Too Political?

As a follow up to our original article, The Edition has compiled some interesting, thought-provoking community responses. Special thanks to everyone who filled out the Google Form! Is it acceptable to discuss politics in a classroom setting? “In a classroom setting, or really any setting with a teacher involved, most students don’t feel comfortable voicing […]
Dreaming Big

Dreaming Big

As speaker, author, and entrepreneur Mac Anderson once said, “Dream big dreams, but never forget that realistic short-term goals are the keys to your success.” Undoubtedly, setting goals is a major pillar of success. Whether you want to get into that college or get in shape, setting goals has unmatched power. Without a final destination […]
Combatting Screen Time

Combatting Screen Time

Burning eyes, headaches, and stiff necks! Well, they’re all back. After a surprisingly long-lasting hybrid schedule, the GA Upper School, in an effort to optimize community safety, has transitioned to an all-virtual schedule. The  transition to  virtual school has led to an enormous increase in students’ screen time. For many students and faculty members, this […]
How Political is too Political?

How Political is too Political?

At what point do we draw the line in political discussions on campus? This election season, it seems as though politics is constantly brought up in one way or another – it’s an easy conversation starter, and a good way to stay on top of current events. However, just because it starts out easy, that […]
Confidence is Key

Confidence is Key

As female icon Oprah Winfrey once said, “It is confidence in our body, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.”  It all starts with the person in the mirror. Before anything else, if you have a goal, you must learn to love the person you see in the mirror. I […]