Alaina Steck '22

Alaina Steck ’22 first wrote for The Edition at the end of her freshman year, and she continued writing and editing articles for the News Desk as a Copy Editor during her sophomore year. She will continue to do so as a Desk Editor for the 2021-2022 school year, and she will also contribute to the publishing of the weekly Newsletter. Alaina’s goal is to write an article for each publishing cycle and to maintain excellent communication within the News Desk. Her favorite font is Caveat.

Lanternfly Invasion

Lanternfly Invasion

Spotted lanternflies are beautiful villains: their red underwings are striking and hard to miss. Don’t let their bright color fool you though; research by Penn State University predicts that this species could potentially be responsible for up to $324 million worth of agricultural damage in PA alone. Lanternflies, first reported in the U.S. in 2014, […]
GA’s Opening & Hybrid System

GA’s Opening & Hybrid System

After the Upper School made the difficult decision to adapt to a hybrid schedule amid the coronavirus pandemic, GA students and faculty have upheld the responsibility of keeping our community healthy. By following state guidelines, GA has successfully remained open. The hybrid schedule allows students to alternate between learning in the building and remotely via […]
Technology During COVID-19

Technology During COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak was the opposite of normal; schools, workplaces, and restaurants were closed as the virus spread across the nation.  Social distancing and stay-at-home orders turned daily life upside down.  Technology, however, returned some sense of normality and allowed people to continue their daily routines.  These screens and machines allowed individuals to work, learn, […]


We all have those days, the ones packed with homework, sports, and extracurricular activities. Our lives are stressful; however, by turning to creative outlets, we can help reduce that stress. The arts provide personal time to relax and take time away from schoolwork. Art allows students to explore new boundaries and ideas. Art classes in […]