GA Revives Ski Club Tradition

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This winter, GA students plan to hit the slopes. Students Adrian Diem ‘25 and Madison Kerest ‘24 created GA’s new ski club. 

Student leaders Diem and Kerest decided to restart the ski club in the Upper School because they missed the Middle School club and knew that the new ski club would attract attention because a lot of students at GA ski. 

“Skiing is important to me because I’ve been skiing ever since I was little and love skiing with my friends and family,” Diem said. “It is a super fun sport, and I hope kids at GA get to experience it.”

Diem and Kerest hope students will have fun skiing with their friends. They also hope students new to skiing will try it in an environment with their friends. 

“Skiing is important to me because my siblings and I always played sports, but all three of us never played the same sport, so when my family picked up skiing and snowboarding it gave us something active we could all do and learn together,” Kerest ‘24 said. 

The club plans to go on a one-night trip to Blue Mountain in Palmerton, PA, on Feb. 23. Students attending the trip will leave GA after school and take a bus to the mountain. They will leave the mountain around 8/8:30 pm. Students will have to pay for any costs of the trip. 

Many students are excited to spend time doing something they love with their friends. 

“I am very excited about GA’s ski club because it gives me the opportunity to ski with a bunch of people without my parent’s transportation,” Charlotte Brazer ‘26 said. 

Many students cannot contain their excitement and cannot wait for the first ski trip of the season. 

“I’m so excited. My head is bursting,” Faith Geissele ‘26 said. 

Brazer and Geissele were involved in the Middle School ski club and had many positive things to say regarding their experience. 

At GA, skiing is popular not only among the students but also with the faculty. The faculty sponsors for this year’s ski trip are Mr. Paul Moffitt, Mr. Dan Keefe and Ms. Lindsey Stamer. 

Mr. Keefe established his love for skiing in an unlikely place – Albuquerque, New Mexico! This is an important memory for him because he got better at skiing while in the company of a friend. Mr. Keefe is excited to be involved in ski club because he had many positive experiences with skiing in the past. 

Many students and faculty alike at GA look forward to a nice winter on the slopes.