Each year, on Dec. 31, people from all over the world gather in celebration of another cycle around the sun. For many, it’s a time to look back and reflect on good memories, new experiences and lessons learned. For others, it’s time to set goals to improve themselves in the coming year.
I’ve picked out the three specific categories of goals that most students have based their resolutions on. Firstly, an academic goal—such as engaging in reading, tackling harder classes or improving your grades.
“I want to do more work during my free periods so that I don’t have to do as much when I get home,” Harry Greenberg ‘26 said. “I can relax when I get home if I’ve already done my homework at school.”
When a student thinks about a New Year’s resolution, school is often the first thing that comes to mind. Studying more, meeting with teachers and stopping procrastination are all great goals to set in order to improve as a student. My goal is to spend more time reading rather than scrolling through my phone, aiming for a more sustainable and healthy way to consume information.
Secondly, a physical goal—whether it involves hitting the gym, going on runs or trying a new sport. It could even be as simple as going to bed at 10:00 pm every night, drinking more water or eating healthier.
“Last year, I felt like I didn’t drink enough water, so drinking more water this year is my New Year’s resolution,” Maddie Evers ‘26 said. “Staying hydrated is really important to me, especially as a student-athlete.”

Taking care of your body is a very important thing—especially for the student-athletes at GA. Personally, I’ve set the goal of going to bed before 10:30 pm every night and drinking more water–again, these simple habits can go a long way in living a healthier life. Many people are even looking to improve their physique, especially with the availability of the new Jordan Center.
“My New Year’s resolution is probably to eat better and to keep going to the Jordan Center,” Alex Katzer ‘25 said. “I want to keep my fitness and health up for the coming tennis season.”
It’s a great idea to set a physical goal; it not only promotes overall well-being but also improves quality of life. With our amazing new Health and Wellness Center just a short walk away, nobody should be neglecting their physical health at GA in 2024.
Lastly, a social goal–introduce yourself to new people, be more outgoing or interact more with your teachers. Reaching out to new people and building relationships with teachers and peers are one of the best things you can do while at school—don’t be afraid to start that conversation or ask a teacher for help.
“I find that building strong connections helps me improve myself and the others around me,” Ben Creighton ‘26 said. “So, I want to build and improve my relationships—maybe even find a significant other.”
Oftentimes, I find myself hesitant to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. In this coming year, I am committed to overcoming this hesitation and actively pursuing connections. By doing so, I know that my relationships and social life will be enriched, which ultimately fosters a more vibrant and fulfilling life.
I strongly encourage everyone to elevate themselves in 2024 by contemplating each of these categories and establishing goals within them. Take initiative, embrace the challenge and I hope this coming year will become a catalyst of positivity and change for each and every one of you!