Germantown Academy Presents the 2023 Alumni Arts Show

Germantown Academy Presents the 2023 Alumni Arts Show

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Germantown Academy exhibited the Alumni Arts Show between Oct. 13 and Nov. 13 in the Art Center, showcasing the skill and creativity of our alumni who once pursued their artistic passions at GA. A wide range of work was displayed, including paintings, furniture, interior design layouts, product designs, fashion, and more. 

This exhibition expanded the range of artistic work shown in GA’s gallery, as past shows are usually confined to the disciplines taught in GA’s art classrooms, such as drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, and film. 

The GA community was invited to see the exhibition on Oct. 20 with an in-school field trip for Honors Visual Arts students and an after-school reception open for everyone. 

The Honors Visual Arts field trip was held from lunch to the end of the day, where students toured the gallery, spoke with alumni and attended a Q&A panel discussion in the McVeigh Community Room. 

Upper School Visual Arts Teacher Sara Ritz initiated the show with Lower School Art Teacher Jess Grisafi, who is the co-director of Art Across the Academy. 

“[The Alumni Arts Show] has been in the making for almost a year,” Ms. Ritz said. “It takes a lot of time to coordinate a show of this scale. Artists are busy people often balancing creative work with school or other employment.”

Ms. Ritz also discussed the importance of holding the Alumni Arts Show

“It’s a critical show because educationally, this show allows our current students to imagine what a creative professional life might look like for them,” Ms. Ritz said. “It also allows us a chance to highlight the important work they are doing in their post-GA lives.” 

The furniture of Olivia Gorman ’15. Photo courtesy of Hannah Greenfield

Alumni member Olivia Gorman ‘15 had two chairs, two stool and a footrest displayed in the show. She is currently an interior and furniture designer, but she was in Ms. Ritz’s sculpture classes when she once walked the hallways of GA. 

She claims that Ms. Ritz and Ms. Russomagno influenced her decision to pursue art and design in college and graduate school. “GA’s art program taught me to trust my artistic instinct and to stand by my ideas,” Gorman said. 

Gorman also advises students to do as much as possible at GA.

“I did everything from sports, musical instruments, taking art classes and being a manager on the football team,” Gorman said. “All of these things allow me to make memories, friendships and connections that have proven invaluable.”

“I would say to experiment, don’t be too serious, and use your teachers,” Gorman said. “The teachers in the Art department truly care and will support you from GA and beyond.” 

Upper School Visual Arts Department Chair David Love reflects on the impact that GA’s artistic alumni can have on current students. 

“These artists, in essence, are becoming role models to the future artists of tomorrow at GA,” Mr. Love said. “High school students get to see the evolution of their current studies and where it might possibly lead them.”

Ms. Ritz discussed what the Alumni Art Show meant to her as a teacher. “In our Alumni’s creative output, our faculty, administration, and staff see the bounty of the seeds that were planted long ago at GA,” Ms. Ritz said. “That is a gift.”

The product designs of Lily Ernst ‘20. Photo Courtesy of Hannah Greenfield. 

Among the students that attended the in-school field trip, Drawing and Painting Honors student Abby Swanson ‘24 reflected upon the work that diverged from typical art disciplines, like the product designs of alumni member Lily Ernst ‘20.

 “There are so many careers that are art without being exactly what you may think of,” Swanson said. “You can have a career that might not be fully artistic but still encompass a lot of what we’ve done in [GA’s art classes].” 

Germantown Academy’s Alumni Art Show 2023 challenged the expectations of the type of artistic work that can be displayed and proved that there are many ways to incorporate the arts and creativity into life after graduation. 

To current GA students, especially those involved in the arts, this show provided a glimpse into what a creative future might look like for them and the many directions they can take.