Misconceptions about Neurodiversity have a Harmful Impact on its Population

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The concept of neurodiversity accepts that people learn, think, behave, and communicate with the world around them in different ways. It includes a range of diagnoses falling under the neurodivergent spectrum such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and many more. Being neurodiverse, however, does not always mean that one has an intellectual disability. 

It is essential for us to educate ourselves on misunderstandings about neurodiversity. It is a mistaken belief that all neurodiverse individuals are of a certain way. Instead, each person with neurodiversity must be looked at as an individual person with individual needs.

One incorrect idea about the neurodiverse population, especially those with autism, is that they have no interest in social interaction. As a matter of fact, many individuals on the autism spectrum do want friends and relationships, but it is difficult for them to make social connections. In reality, neurodiverse people make great friends. Other misconceptions state that vaccinations and bad parenting are blamed for the cause of being neurodiverse, which is false as studies show no correlation between the two.

One of the greatest strengths that neurodiverse individuals have is their exceptional ability to pay attention to the details. This skill helps them to focus on their tasks at the workplace, which may increase productivity. According to the head of JPMorgan Chase’s Autism at Work, employees with autism were 90-140% more productive than their neurotypical employees. 

Additionally, neurodivergent employees are generally excellent in innovation and creative thinking by bringing original ideas when problem solving, thus improving the process by delivering better quality products to customers. 

Other strengths of neurodiverse people include visualization and pattern recognition that others miss, allowing them to think outside the box. Pattern recognition contributes to finding errors and mistakes quicker with accuracy. These abilities help companies fill difficult positions such as cybersecurity, data analysis, and software engineering with talented individuals. 

Neurodiverse people need structure and routine to prosper. They can get upset by loud noises as they are prone to sensory overloads. Some may lack eye contact or social cues. Some may prefer to be alone. The key thing to remember is that neurodiverse people may relate to each other and the world differently. There is no qualification of “how neurodiverse” one is, and we should embrace these individuals as they are. 






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