Danika Staples ‘24 is organizing a renovated sailing team at GA that runs after school during the fall and spring seasons and is hosted through the Corinthian Yacht Club. Though the team initially began last year in the spring, it was renovated as a new opportunity that begins in the fall. The sailing program is designated as a club, but it functions like a sport. It meets only a few times a week, like a GA club, but they also compete, like many GA sports. The Corinthian Yacht Club is located in Delaware Country, PA, located about 40 minutes from GA. The season lasts for 7 weeks and the practices are run by a variety of coaches, who have sailors complete drills to hone their skills.
“The [Corinthian Yacht Club] provides the boats and the coaching. Usually, we get there around 3:45-4:00, then we go out and start rigging boats,” Staples said. “You have to get the boats ready to launch, and then we’re out on the water for an hour, hour and a half.” The boats that the club uses are usually 420s or FJs, which are both two person boats that require a skipper and crew. Since it takes around 25 minutes to rig the boats, the practices normally end around 5:45, at which time the vans go back to GA and arrive at 6:20-6:30. This results in practices that run around the same amount of time as other sports offered at GA.
“Sailing is a great opportunity to participate in a unique, co-ed sport with future leadership possibilities,” Staples said. “It is a very flexible sport that only meets two times a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” Sailing allows busier students to compete or participate in an after-school activity that is not as time-consuming as other sports. Races normally occur on Sundays, which is similar to other sports with events on the weekends. Something that separates sailing from other sports offered at GA is that it does not necessarily require strong physical abilities.

“What I like about sailing is it’s a sport with some athletic components. But it’s more about skill than strength,” Staples said. “There’s more technique and strategy to it than physical abilities, so anyone can do it.” Though sailing is physically demanding at times, it relies more on technique built up with dedication and practice. Sailing is a beginner-friendly sport that does not require extensive training to compete in. An amazing opportunity for both novice and experienced sailors.
“It’s a pretty informal league. Everyone that you’re practicing with are also the people you’re racing against,” said Mallika Batra 24’. Racing provides a competitive element seen in sports such as track and cross country. Races take place at the Corinthian Yacht Club, meaning the kids that you race with are also the same kids that you practice with, which differs from most GA sports. Making friends at practice and races allows for an expansion of social circles within other schools.
“Sailing regattas are held every Sunday and are usually about 4 hours long. Within that you typically have 5 races… The place you get in a race then equals that number in points, so first place is one point, second is second, etc. The points from all the races are added up and whoever has the least number of points wins.” Staples said. The sailing team is open to both novice and expert sailors. Whether you have participated in multiple regattas before or have never been in a sailboat, the sailing experience at GA is a unique opportunity.
“You really get to bond with your teammates. Danika and I sailed a 420, which is a two person boat, and it was just us two,” said Mallika Batra 24’. “So yeah, there’s like a lot of time to talk to whoever you’re sailing with.” Sailing teaches effective teamwork, perseverance, and strategic thinking, pushing one’s limits to the brink. It goes beyond the boundaries of simply a sport, and emphasizes all aspects of a quality person that is able to persevere and fight through challenges. Whether to win a race, earn a credit, try something new, or have fun with friends, sailing has a spot for you.
This is wonderful to hear that GA is continuing to compete on the Philadelphia high school sailing scene. Corinthian’s inter scholastic program for area sailors is the most accessible and convenient in the country. What a treasure! Ellie Wagner ‘19 and Trip Wagner ‘22 represented GA from 2015-2022 and both went on to sail on college teams. If any students or parents are interested in learning more about sailing at the college level, please get in touch with anyone in our family. And if I find any vintage GA Sailing gear around our house, I will make sure it gets to Danika and Mallika!