Semi: Then vs Now

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Semi is an event that many students in the Upper School look forward to every year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, last year’s dance had to change from its usual model in many ways. Thankfully, this year’s Semi was back to normal. 

The 2021-2022 school year’s Semi was a much different scene from this year’s. To start off, last year’s Semi was in the Field House due to social distancing and COVID-19 protocols. In order to get into Semi last year, students had to show proof of vaccination or have a negative COVID-19 test, which was not required this year. 

The date for Semi last year changed to April 22, in the spring, which is not the usual winter date. Because the omicron variant was on the rise last winter, the Student Government Association (SGA) moved Semi to spring because it was easier to ventilate the room. 

Moreover, COVID-19 cases usually drop in the spring. Last year’s dance went from the proposed winter wonderland theme in the common and dining room to the spring fling theme in the Field House. 

This year’s Semi was very different from last year’s for many reasons. The dance was completely back to the normal pre-pandemic standards, contrary to last year’s half-step to normalcy. This year, the school also hired a professional DJ, which differed from last year’s student one. 

SGA also agreed to buy more water and snacks; however, they quickly vanished again this year. There was also a difference in decorations from last year, with SGA setting up more thematic decorations this year.

Personally, I preferred this year’s Semi because of the atmosphere. Everyone was so energetic, happy, and it was so refreshing to see everyone come together after years of separation. The music and turnout this year were amazing as well, and I truly believe that this Semi was special, considering how everyone wanted to come together and have fun, just like pre-pandemic times. 

Robert Leeds ‘25 said he preferred this year’s Semi due to a better atmosphere and the music. Another student, Zoe Hellman ‘25 said she also preferred this year’s Semi because of the better decorations, snacks, and drinks. 

Allison Eichsteadt ‘25 said she preferred this year’s dance because it was in the dining room/common room, and she thought the atmosphere was better in a smaller space. Only one student I interviewed disapproved of this year’s Semi.

Even though this year’s Semi had more positive reviews, it is important that we applaud the hard work and effort of the junior SGA form-reps of last year. They were given many rules to follow and limited resources and were still able to create a fun social event in a time of COVID-19 outbreaks and many rules to abide by. 

The numerous efforts of the junior form reps this year and last year were greatly appreciated; we love coming together to celebrate our student community. 

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