Temple University Graduate Shot

Temple University Graduate Shot

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On Sept. 23, at 12:30 A.M., 23-year-old Temple University alumnus Everett Beauregard was shot and killed. This occurred near the victim’s apartment on the 400th block of North 35th St. 

Currently, police are investigating the murder. The police say that they were alerted to the scene by various 911 calls. When they arrived, they found Beauregard unresponsive, with a bullet wound in his neck. They transported him to the hospital as fast as they could, but, at 1 A.M., he was pronounced dead.

The Philadelphia Police Department says the incident could have been an attempted robbery since Beauregard may have been running away when he was shot. However, police and detectives are still investigating, looking over video collected from the incident. 

This event has echoed throughout Philadelphia, especially since it was committed against an innocent and bright college graduate who had his whole life ahead of him.

Temple released this statement: “We are deeply saddened to learn of the tragic death of Temple alumnus Everett Beauregard, who was killed in West Philadelphia last night. It is the latest example of the senseless and harrowing gun violence epidemic that continues to grip both this city and this country. Everett had just become Temple Made in June, which only further magnifies the tragic circumstances surrounding his death. He had a very bright future ahead of him, and it is beyond disheartening knowing we will no longer be able to watch him soar alongside his fellow Owls.” 

This statement magnifies the importance of this occurrence, and calls into question the current lack of a political response to gun violence. 

The police claim that the shooter had been seen lingering around the area suspiciously before the shooting at around 11 p.m on Wednesday, Sept. 22. CCTV footage shows him walking around with a hand in his pocket; at one point, he appeared to have zeroed in on another person but did not take any action. The police urge anyone who might have seen the killer to come forward, offering a $20,000 reward for anyone that can help capture him. 

Another important thing to note is that this did not occur on Temple’s campus; rather, the shooting occurred in a neighborhood that houses many Drexel students. 

“It kind of hit a little close to home,” Drexel student Michael Ricca said. “I am only about two blocks away.”

The proximity of events like this shooting to college campuses leads many students and community members to question their own safety. They also call the issues of gun violence into the spotlight of politics. 





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