The Edition’s three co-EICs Clara, Sofia, and Sangeetha reflect on their time at Germantown Academy and the cherished memories they have made with friends and teachers.
I’ve been at GA for fourteen years and my teachers have done everything from carrying me to the nurse’s office after a playground accident in pre-K to organizing my art portfolio so I could keep working in quarantine as a senior. My teachers have showed me how to research topics I’m interested in like early feminist movements, and helped me understand fascinating topics like osmoregulation through clam worms. I will miss this community of caring and thoughtful adults who have helped me grow academically and as a person. In addition, I will miss my communities in Feminist Forum and The Edition. I really valued working and learning with such curious and thoughtful classmates. Some of my favorite moments from high school include the bright lights of opening night of “Chicago,” and the emotional end to my final GA/PC day cross country race. And of course, from freshman physics group chats to House Olympics cheers to outdoor lunches at the Washington Bust, I love the class of 2022 and all the friends I’ve made!
When I think about my experience at GA, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have been given the opportunity to be a part of this community. Without the GA community, I would not have ended up where I did in my senior year— leading the Feminist Forum club, becoming co-Editor-in-Chief of The Edition, captaining the softball team, and now looking forward to art school. Despite the struggles of the pandemic, the support I received from the teachers and students around me was unparalleled.

Throughout my high school career, I tried to make my choices—both academic and extracurricular— based on whether or not I thought I would regret that decision. Whether this meant signing up for a class, switching a sport, joining a club, or deciding not to do something, most of the decisions I made I have not regretted.
When looking back over the last four years, I will look back most fondly on the time I spent with my friends and teammates, and time spent exploring engaging ideas in classrooms with those same people. I will always value the experiences GA has given me to propel me towards whatever the future brings.
As I reflect on my time at GA, it is difficult to pinpoint one favorite memory. From laughter-filled lunch periods with my friends after a long day of classes to deep conversations with my favorite teachers about the meaning of life, GA has given me memories that I will cherish forever. Leading The Edition and Club Med along with participating in SGA and Independent Science Research have been some of the highlights of my high school experience.
The past few years have been everything but normal, but these years have taught me how to adapt to changes and persevere through challenging times. I have learned that no matter what, in the end everything will work out, even if things do not go as planned.
I am grateful to have grown up in a close-knit community like GA since the third grade, and I cannot imagine my life without it. I would not be the person I am today without the support from my teachers and friends, and I cannot begin to explain how much I will miss seeing them every day. Thank you, GA!