On Friday, April 29, 2022, GA’s seven Upper School houses competed to win the long-awaited annual House Olympics Competition.
The day began with house meetings in outdoor spaces, where students decked themselves out in house-colored paint, hair dye, and glitter. The many opportunities for points created chances for houses lower in the rankings to earn a potential victory. At 10:20, the Upper School gathered on the Quad to sing the National Anthem, which was led by Ada Leeds ’25, Madison Quinter ’24, Grace Good ’22, Celina Bagchi ’24, Blythe Berlinger ’22, Morgen Zighelboim ’23, and Sangeetha Bhuyan ’22.
Then, the Belfry Bell was rung to signal the start of the games. The House Prefects gathered at the Carey Stadium to sing the Alma Mater with Mr. Masters, while all Upper School students prepared to compete in various events ranging from Cupcake Decorating—which was especially popular this year—to Capture the Chicken to Tug-o-War, as well as the newly added Food Relay. This event replaced the old-fashioned pie-eating contests of years past.

Through relentless competition, the day ended with a victory for Osbourn. It was their first in four years, with a massive victory margin of 50.5 points–a fantastic last hurrah for their House Head, Ms. Merrill, as this is her last year serving in this position. Their total was a stunning 185.5 points, and they won all of their major 14-point events in an incredible show of house unity and strength. Kershaw came in second, Truesdell in third, Galloway in fourth, Washington in fifth, Roberts in sixth, and Alcott Day rounded out the field. Due to a spike in cases, several houses had missing prefects and competitors, but the houses all persevered.
Like we always do, the GA community made it a day full of fun and friendly, yet fierce competition. House Olympics is an essential part of GA’s tradition! We are so fortunate to have had it this year.