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Reflections on GA resilience: Winter sports during COVID-19

Reflections on GA resilience: Winter sports during COVID-19

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For decades, athletics at Germantown Academy have enabled students to showcase their skills through collaboration, communication, and competition. As the chapter of the fall season comes to a close, a new chapter begins as winter sports carries the baton for another athletic season.

It is difficult to believe that just one year ago, COVID-19 isolated everyone from one another and plunged the world into a period of uncertainty. Although it seems like the winter sports of 2022 may be a repeat of 2021, GA has grown in unimaginable ways that places them above the virus’s effects: mental toughness, personal growth, and resiliency. It’s the growth within that allows GA to progress as a united entity. This may seem unrelated to athletics, but the mind is half the game. It’s the driving mechanism that suedes between victory vs. defeat; failure vs. success; demoralization vs. motivation. Regardless of the bumpy road, GA is able to reflect on past experiences and mold them into a more prosperous future by exemplifying adept adaptability and resiliency. 

COVID-19 has most certainly tested athletes’ mental toughness by distancing them from their adored playing field. The safety protocols, distancing mandates, and virtual education are all games in the prolonged season that student-athletes have overcome. They physically may not be on the playing field, but their unwavering mental toughness is there. Athletes should commend themselves for their effort to beat their strongest opponent yet-a global pandemic. At the end of this “season” of the pandemic athletes will be able to reflect on their journey and see how far they have come. But as of now, restless as they may be, safety comes first as the GA athletics department and Mr. Tim Ginter, Director of Athletics, are working diligently together to devise a plan to implement athletics into a pandemic world. 

To overview what winter sports will look like over the next few weeks, Mr. Ginter says, “We took a pause during the second week of winter break. Practices resumed this past Monday, January 3rd, 2022. Games will resume on January 8 – January 9.” He emphasizes that both players and coaches are excited to step out on the playing field, but the unanswered question still remains, “Are other schools that we are scheduled to play, able to play?” Extra precautions are necessary as COVID-19 cases are prevalent now more than ever. Mr. Ginter says, “We will have to be extremely vigilant and cautious for the time being. We hope it doesn’t last too long, but we all need to make sure we are doing our part to keep school open.” The athletics and education safety protocols will have to parallel one another; a resurgence of cases due to athletics could force GA to revert back to virtual-learning. GA athletics must approach this season with mindfulness and close consideration to preserve quality of education; on top of this, the safety of students and faculty is of the utmost importance. 

Sporting events are just as much the game for athletes as it is for the crowd. The crowd supplies energy, love, and respect while reflecting the successes of the sports team. The conjunction of athletes and student supporters side-by-side is the driving force behind the school’s chemistry and unity. Mr. Ginter says, “the spectator policy will need to be adjusted. We hope any changes are temporary.”

The prospect of a full season with fans may be possible if everyone plays their role to keep the community safe by following proper COVID-19 precautions and protocols. In order for a successful sports season to continue, students and athletes must follow proper guidelines by wearing a mask when necessary, staying three-feet apart, and washing their hands regularly. Athletes and coaches are going into this winter season with optimism and full energy to compensate for last year.

Coaches and trainers have implemented schedules for student-athletes this season that are similar to any other season. The training and practice regiments used by teams varies, but they all stress safety; teams have implemented their own training plans with a mix of team exercising activities, conditioning, and strength training. Despite the ongoing pandemic, GA athletics is persevering through the adversity in order to fulfill their hopes for this season.

GA athletics serve as an emblem of hope and symbolized Germantown Academy’s everlasting strength and pride. It brings the community together to celebrate the successes of teammates and peers. A sense of community was re-established this school year as the entire school rallied together in support of our fall teams. This energy is expected for the winter season, encouraging teams and fans to display their GA pride once more.

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