Artist of the Edition: Gavin Legos

Artist of the Edition: Gavin Legos

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Gavin Legos ’22 began his passion in a regular Digital Media class, and by sophomore year made his way into the honors art curriculum. Legos joined the course with the intention of “experimenting in movie-making,” as he wanted to “learn more about the film process.” 

He has gotten the opportunity to develop several projects ranging in all different forms of media. One of his personal favorite collaborative projects was “Back-in Friday,” which is a comedic short film centered around senior Matt Andress’ belief that every Friday, everyone, including faculty, should “back-in” to their parking spot. Legos enjoyed being a part of this project, and said “it was the first real glimpse in movie production that I had got to experience. I got to film outside of class and learn the basics of lighting and camerawork, and learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro.” His biggest takeaway from the project and the course itself was the experience of “being involved behind the scenes and behind the camera, while strengthening [his] editing techniques.” 

Currently, Legos is working on an independent project through his Instagram, @gapatsvids. According to Legos, he showcases “the ins and outs of GA sports through video production.” His inspiration to begin the account revolved primarily around “the desire to get involved within the football team without actually being a part of the team.” The account not only allows him to showcase his creativity in film, but to develop strong relationships with the majority of the GA community as well. 

Throughout the fall sports season, @gapatsvids has received positive feedback and recognition. Legos also plans to continue his passion into the winter and spring sports seasons. 

Legos says “I hope to get involved in the media department in whichever college I attend while keeping up with the sports world and highlighting different athletic competitions.” 

Legos says his biggest lesson and advice as a senior is “to do what you like. Go out of your comfort zone. Go behind a camera even though you fear it.” Through his creativity, Legos intends to inspire those younger than him to get involved in the arts, as it is a “space to unwind while enjoying what you are doing.”  

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