Prize Day Overview

Prize Day Overview

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At the culmination of each school year, Germantown Academy hosts a Prize Day to commemorate students who shone in their academic and athletic endeavors. No matter the award earned, each Prize Day winner is an honorable example of what all GA members strive to be. Although still in a pandemic, students and the parents of each Prize Day winner were able to gather in person under the grand structure erected on Connor Quad.  All other members of the community were encouraged to attend the ceremony via live stream. Two separate ceremonies were held: one for the freshman and sophomores followed by one for the juniors and seniors.  After the ceremony, prize winners were invited onto the stage for pictures and then directed to Ms. Kennedy’s office to receive their awards. 

To kick off this year’s Prize Day, Head of Upper School Dr. MacKean gave an encouraging and insightful speech about the challenges of this year amid the pandemic. Her sympathy for the community during one of the most tumultuous scholastic years speaks volumes about her devotion to GA and to the welfare of all students . Following her speech, many prizes were awarded for athletics, academics, and community service. Recognition for inductees of the Cum Laude Society, Math National Honors Society, Science National Honors Society, and Modern Language National Honors Societies was given by the respective department heads. 

While the celebration had several highlights, here are just a few: Eva Roller and Alex Walkush were awarded the Modern Language Department Prize for demonstrating passion and appreciation for the study of multiple languages and cultures. Charlotte DiLello and Jeff Decker were awarded the James Buckley Prize for sportsmanship and significant contribution to the athletic program. Lastly, Eileen Zhang was awarded The Rotary Club of Ambler Community Service Scholarship for exhibiting outstanding leadership qualities and demonstrating the rotary international’s model of “service above self.” 

At the culmination of Prize Day, the Patriot Scholars for the 2021-22 school year were announced. Named after illustrious GA educators, the McNeil Patriot Scholar awards are awarded to four juniors who embody the ethos of the community: leadership, involvement, character, and scholarship. This year’s Patriot Scholars are Fore Abinusawa, Henry Morrissey, Caitlin Boland-Szura, and Jake Hsu. 

This year’s Prize Day celebration was and vibrant acknowledgment of our admirable community members and of the strength and persistence all of GA has shown this year. The community would like to thank those who put this memorable day into action.

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