Dreaming Big

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As speaker, author, and entrepreneur Mac Anderson once said, “Dream big dreams, but never forget that realistic short-term goals are the keys to your success.”

Undoubtedly, setting goals is a major pillar of success. Whether you want to get into that college or get in shape, setting goals has unmatched power. Without a final destination or goal, you will become lost and lose your sense of purpose. Without purpose, you will live a cyclical life where no progress is made. By writing down one thing you wish to accomplish, you will find a purpose and a path to follow. I challenge you, right now, to write down something that you wish to accomplish. 

With this big goal or dream, it only takes three things: grind, hustle, and execution. Grinding is performing repetitive tasks over and over, hustling is the only controllable pillar of success, and executing is shutting up and putting in the work. While setting big goals for yourself and working towards them is a vital component of self-improvement, the reality of this situation is that there are plenty of goals that we fall short of. Why is this? While some may say the goal was too big, I would say that no goal is too big, but only if you take the right steps and measures. For example, if the Philadelphia Art Museum stairs were in front of you, you simply could not go from step one and skip to the top. It takes one step at a time and a gradual increase to the top. Similarly, it takes the same type of progression to achieve your goals. Every small and attainable goal that you accomplish pushes you closer to your ultimate destination.  If you’re willing to commit to the goal, no dream is ever too big. 

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