The GA-PC rivalry, known as the nation’s longest prep-school football rivalry, was on the brink of being canceled this year. However, the Germantown Academy community persevered through the dire circumstances of this pandemic to continue this historic competition. GA’s safety protocols and astute planning ensured that not only the football game, but also all other fall games were on! GA-PC day is the highlight of many students’ years; although there were few spectators allowed, many “GA Superfans” watched their peers through live-streamed videos. The day, however, was most important for our seniors, as it would be their last Fall competition against Penn Charter (PC).

Members of the GA community posted signs and brought balloons to show appreciation for the seniors on the girls’ tennis team. Patriots’ Kendall Skalicky led the way to GA’s win over PC, losing only one game in a two-set match and winning MVP. Skalicky wished that it could have been “like years [in the] past,” but was still “happy it happened.” Without the roar of the crowd and support from Patriot fans, it seemed like an ordinary matchup to her. Nonetheless, GA girls tennis was able to come out on top early for a 6-1 win over PC.
Boys soccer continued GA’s success in a 3-0 win over their rival. Following a scoreless first half, Sean Lipschutz, Nick Venziale, and Christian Combs all scored in the second half to secure the victory. Lipschutz played outstandingly, earning him an MVP trophy. GA girls’ soccer played exceptionally well against PC, but were unable to earn the victory as they lost 3-1.
Girl’s field hockey was able to forge their lead over PC with outstanding contributions from Claire McMichael, Ella Brant, and MVP Sophie Towne.
Both the boys and girls water polo team competed fiercely on the week, but PC ultimately prevailed. Charlotte Harobin and Becca Vidal both played great for GA. Vidal, the captain of the girls’ team, was “thankful to be playing” and “made so many memories” with her teammates. Aidan Walsh also had a great game with three goals for the boys’ team.

Sadly, the GA football seniors also lost their final game against PC. It was a great match up and it came down to the final kick. The Patriots had one last field goal attempt to clinch the victory, but it was blocked by a flying PC defender, sealing their victory. This last game of the week certainly was a nail-biter, and gave both fan bases some needed excitement.
Although GA lost overall 3-4, they were still able to create lasting memories for their seniors. By persevering, GA was able to see the fruits of their labor, ultimately making the best out of GA/PC Day this year. As the teams banded together, the spirit was clear. The seniors had one more time to cherish the memories both on and off the courts, fields, and sidelines as the recollection of the 2020 high school experience called them together. Although not everyone could be together like past GA-PC days, we “[Flung] defiance to our foes;” knowing that as a Patriot, “Thy spirit cannot die.”