The Visual Arts Faculty exhibit featured in the Arts Center displays artwork completed by several GA teachers. The exhibit was installed on August 26th and will continue to be available for viewing until October 29th. The participating teachers include Sarah Ritz, Alyssa Clinkscales, David Love, Liz Buckman, Alia Tahvildaran, and Romy Burkus. The exhibit presents a variety of artistic mediums, including paintings, sculptures and photographs.

Liz Buckman, Art Educator and seventh grade advisor, created a unique embroidery piece titled Motherhood: A Work in Progress. Mrs. Buckman says the inspiration behind her art comes from the role in life that she feels most defines her at the moment: motherhood. While the piece is still an actual work in progress, the title has a double meaning since raising children, as we all know, is a constant work in progress. The choice to use embroidery came from both her discovery of the medium while being a new mother and the fact that embroidery, like most textile art forms, is traditionally feminine which lends a unique connection to the theme of motherhood. The piece, though unfinished, took roughly forty hours to create and centered around Mrs. Buckman’s two newborn sons who are fifteen months apart, yet still very connected.

David Love, a 2D teacher and Visual Art Department Chair in the Upper School, also has a standout piece in the gallery. Love’s art consists of a variety of sketches and paintings and took only a couple of weeks to create. His piece was inspired by the murder of George Floyd and the act of kneeling. Love has always seen the act of kneeling as an act of forgiveness. After seeing what happened to Floyd, Love looked at kneeling differently and felt a need to reflect. His artwork is helping him to understand recent events, but also raises awareness about issues involving racism. He also collaborated with his wife to create a meaningful group of sketches and string work.
There is plenty of artwork in the teacher art exhibit to admire and explore. It will be up until October 29th, so try and check it out!
Let’s gooo Mr. Love