Maeve Diver

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“In 8th grade, Beauty and the Beast was the first show I ever did, and I had the privilege of being Belle. To say the least, it was truly the most incredible experience for me. From the very beginning, it was just amazing to even get the part–to even know that I had a talent I wasn’t aware of when I was 14. The whole middle school musical experience was enlightening and amazing and it led me to where I am with Belfry now. The very first night I had so many nerves, but it helped lead me into high school and shape who I am. It was a new experience that I never thought I would be capable of doing, and I am so thankful for it. It changed how I view art and how I see my own talent, and let me realize that there’s a whole other element to my personality than just sports and athletics. So, let me tell you about my first night on stage: I was really nervous. I’ve always been a nervous person. I’ve never really liked being in the spotlight, you know I’m kind of short and on the sideline, and for a while I was really okay with that. But being on the stage for the first time, allowed me to find a new part of myself that now, GA, Belfry, and drama in general continue to shape. Once I stepped on stage, it was like I was a new person with a whole new confidence that I never knew I had before. Everything about my experiences in theatre were so enlightening and fun, and once I got into Belfry in the Upper School, I really got into musical theatre and discovered what I could do with my voice and acting. It’s just the most amazing thing to know that I have something in me that I never knew I had but is now such a big part of my life.”

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