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Recently, you may have heard discussions of something called “GA TV” throughout GA’s halls, but what exactly is it anyway? GA TV is a club started by Dean Millard ‘21, Daelyn Nwabosi ‘21 and Blake Smith ‘22. Daelyn says that the club was designed to “not only to serve as an entertainment medium for the GA community as a whole, but to also engage students and teachers alike in helping produce this content”, and to create an “opportunity for students whose interests lie in digital media but have not been able to take the class offered”. 

The club’s first episode came out recently. Blake described the process, “It took a week to shoot everything in the first episode. The Worldstar questions took four days, the Day in the Life at GA took two days, and the Sports Interview took one day. However, the editing took longer. That took about two weeks.” The leaders said that the hardest part of producing episodes is finding time for the club’s members to work on production within their busy schedules. But, they continued, it was all worth it in the end.“The best part was after we released it. When people came up to us, letting us know how much they enjoyed our final product, it made us feel amazing! The overall reaction was very positive!” If GA TV sounds exciting, be sure to check out their first episode on youtube and follow GATV on Instagram @ga.media1 to get updates for the club’s plans. 

Check out Episode 1 of GATV here:

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