When I first founded Germantown Academy’s chapter of Girl Rising, my goal was to open eyes and spark conversations on the many issues women and girls face in accessing education worldwide. Education is a fundamental right, but for millions of girls, it’s a privilege they are denied, due to economic hardships, climate change, and deeply rooted societal norms. To bring these issues closer to home, I posed a few questions to my peers and noticed that many of their responses displayed a mix of curiosity and disbelief– highlighting how much awareness of women’s educational rights is still needed.
In my effort to gather information from GA students, I asked a few members of the student body if they were aware that climate change has become a significant barrier to education, particularly for girls. Many of their responses showed a lack of awareness on this issue, which is why it is so important that Girl Rising advocates for it!
Several surprised and confused reactions mirror what many people might think: climate change and educational rights seem mutually exclusive. However, the reality is harsh. According to Girl Rising, extreme weather events such as floods and droughts often disrupt schools as well as homes and it’s girls that are typically pulled out of schools to take on additional household responsibilities in times of crisis. These disruptions don’t last for just a week or so, and for many girls, the loss of education leads to dropouts and becomes permanent.
Once again I went to the student body, but with a new question in mind: Do you know why economic barriers are a big factor in girls’ lack of access to education? Like the answers to the previous question, many students were confused and unaware as to why these issues are so important.
Poverty plays a critical role in shaping education decisions for families. As Girl Rising explains, when resources are scarce, families often prioritize boys’ education over girls, seeing it as a more beneficial investment for the future. Girls, on the other hand, are expected to stay home to care for their siblings or manage household duties. This tradeoff leaves girls trapped in cycles of limited opportunity, enabling economic inequality for generations to come.
The connections between economic hardships, climate change, and education may feel overwhelming, but organizations like Girl Rising provide hope. They use the power of storytelling to spread awareness through community programs, educational campaigns, and policy advocacy. For example, Girl Rising has partnered with schools in climate impacted regions to create safe learning spaces and implement mentorship programs that support girls in poverty stricken areas.
The bottom line: Germantown Academy needs Girl Rising! Our club’s mission is not only to raise awareness, but also to inspire action. Whether through community events, classroom discussions, or collaborating with other GA clubs such as Fem-Fo, we aim to show that education for girls is not only critical, but a solution to some of the world’s most prominent issues. Girls who stay in school are more likely to escape poverty, become leaders, and contribute to global efforts like fighting climate change. Let’s continue asking questions, sharing stories, and taking action!
– Mallory Hersh ‘26
– Girl Rising meets on Day 3 in Ms. Vutz’s room!