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Since 1887, Germantown Academy and Penn Charter have annually collaborated or rivaled on a Saturday referred to as GA/PC day. On this day in mid-November, fall sports teams from the two schools compete against one another to earn not only a trophy at the end of the day but a title that frames their success. 

Despite the day itself, the events leading up to it are partly its hype. In the week prior, school dress-down days are given to the community with a variety of themes, team sports videos showing GA pride within the individual teams are projected during morning meetings, and seniors stampede through the hallways. This leads up to the pep rally, which sees the unforgettable “senior step” performed. 

To understand the true workings of the students involved in creating this week of school pride and cultivating GA culture, honorable mentions are granted to teachers and staff, superfans, student government form representatives, the senior step captains, captains of fall sports, the athletes competing, and the fans who fill each stand on the big day.

Superfans work to excite the GA student and faculty body prior to and during games, meets and tournaments. Their roles are especially important on GA/PC Day as the student body is at least tripled with the alumni eager to watch the new generation of Germantown Academy continue this tradition of rivalry between the two schools.

“We want to keep the community updated through social media and ensure that our voices are loud during the pep rallies,” Gabby Bowes ‘25 said. “We want everyone to be as involved as possible to build up the hype of GA/PC day and our pride.”

The senior form representatives of GA’s student government are the architects of bringing together GA/PC day. 

Each year remixes with Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, and other 21st-century pop stars play in the partnership of GA’s “senior step”. Leaders are chosen each year to guide the girls’ senior class to form a dance routine shown in the pep rally for GA/PC day each year. This year’s captains are Fariah Kemp ‘25, Avery Nissman ‘25, Brie Snell ‘25 and McKenna Miller ‘25.

Getting The Ball Rolling Senior step practice takes place in the Griswold Gym during lunch, every week, as the girls prepare for the 2024 GA-PC Day Pep Rally. Photo by Anastasia Podgornaya ‘26.

“I plan on geeking out,” Upper School College Counselor Mr. Joaquim Hamilton said.  “I’ll have the cowbell which will be put into use during the pep rally and games, and might dip my feet in face paint.”

Bleeding “red, black, and navy blue” is one way to put the community of GA fans. This support shines through on this day bringing daycare students to alumni of GA together as they gather around the Jordan field, sister fields, and pool. 

The games are scheduled to start at 9 a.m. and continue until 1:30 p.m. Between this time frame, nine teams compete and nine crowds fill the stands. As the time runs out for the football game, the trophy is gifted.

“Penn Charter is a really aggressive team,” Varsity Girls Soccer goalie Gabby Bowes ’25 said. “We [the GA soccer team] have been focusing on playing as hard as we can. Working on defense attacks and building a tough mindset have been our main focal point in practice.” 

“Discipline and teamwork are the most important parts of every sport,” tennis player Jacob Malenbaum ‘27 said.

Of course, every sport consists of those two aspects, but what makes an athlete win is their competitive mindset.

“GA/PC day is the cumulative event of the season, which really brings students together in a collective initiative to win, and dedicate this win to players of the team from recent years that brought them to that moment,” girls water polo captain Katie Martin ‘25 said.

GA/PC day is a time for all ages of the community of Germantown Academy to embrace their sport as not only an athlete but as a part of a team.